
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Here's to Procrastination

Sometimes we just need to step back from our work and take a few minutes to play and relax.  And I don't know about you, but I can only play so many games of solitarie or mahjong so here's a few of my favorite places to "take five."

Lemmings - I don't know if you remember this game but we had it on our first computer years and years ago.  I LOVED it and would play for hours.  Start with the "fun" level and work your way up.

Wordle - I don't remember if I've shared this with you or not but it's really cool. Just add your text to the box and it'll make word clouds with your words.  You can change the color and shape for some really interesting looks.  You can then save the "wordles" for whatever you like.  I have one that I want to do as a t-shirt one of these days.

Superstickies - Love sticky notes?  Then you'll love this. 

Montana for Real - This is the blog of writer Kari Lynn Dell.  This really isn't a writing blog but she has some great posts on actual ranch life from someone actually living it. 

Virtual Turnpike - Similar to Google Earth, this gives you the street view of different addresses.  I even saw my house from the end of the driveway, which is kinda creepy now that I think about it.  But, it might be a nice help to see what locations look like for that scene you are procrastination about.

Another way is to post here and share your favorite means of procrastination.  So, help a fellow procrastinator out.:-)


V.R. Leavitt said...

Very cool! Well, if you need a few more minutes to procrastinate, you can check out the award I nominated you for at my blog. It's silly, but fun. :-)

Now off to play at the links you have provided. :-)


Cheryl said...

I used to be the queen of procrastination, right up there with our Sassy girl; but now, I am just so excited about all the things going on in my writing world that I don't want to waste a minute of time.

My buddies like Farmville, and even I have been known to take a break with our XBOX360 and Lego Indiana Jones; but a game I really enjoy (even though it is embarrassing to admit) is on

Eager Beaver Adventure Park is a game of tiles with different letters on them. You make words and the tiles scroll down as you use them. You have to make sure you use up the red letters before they hit the bottom or the game is over. The user wins points to buy things for their animals.

Okay, I'm back to work. We've been out at the mall today playing in the big sandbox and I need to get something done.


Lynn Andrade said...

Video games and the history channel. :D

Jean said...

I've made it a point NOT to get involved in any of the games/apps on facebook.

There was a time I played Sims a lot...thankfully the version I have won't work on this puter. :-)