One of the great things about having a daughter who writes is the opportunity to talk about writing. Whether it's plot, character development, story structure, or POV, I really enjoy the discussion.
This evening we went to our favorite "sitting out, chillin', and chatting" place and spent over an hour talking mostly book stuff. As we discussed writing mysteries, Thr3e came up and we decided it's one of our top 3 books.
Thr3e is a book from Ted Dekker. I found it years ago during a Thanksgiving trip to my mom's and totally loved it. In fact, I read the whole thing in just one evening, in one sitting. Not only does it start with a bang, it ends with one. I had no idea who the "bad guy" was, and Dekker knocked the end out of the ballpark. Neither Beth or I saw it coming. Every time we thought we had it figured out, nope.
If you like mystery/thrillers, then we both recommend you run to the store and get Thr3e. Then let me know what you think.
And while I'm recommending books - Hit and Run by Beth Lauzier is an awesome middle-grade fantasy your young reader will love. You can get a copy here or message me for a signed one.