
Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Markets

Want to try something in the way of an anthology?  Then check out these guidelines from Whortleberry Press.  Right now they have fairy tale, Halloween and Christmas anthlogies open for submissions.  A couple of the dates are getting close but you still have time to get something to them.  These are for spec. fic.

Daily Science Fiction - nice looking market that pays.   They especially need flash fiction but will take longer work too.  I may have to see what I can come up with for this one.:-)  They also need artwork.

Out of Ruins - features "dark, weird fiction" so if you have something dark and weird, give 'em a try. 

Over My Dead Body - nice paying mystery market but you must query first.  I don't understand why but that's what they want. 

Fem-Fangs - an anthology of short stories, allowing readers to delve into the alluring lore of the female vampire.  This one has a nice 1-7k word count too.

Now, go write and submit.:-)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the links.

Wolf Althuis said...

Fun looking markets. Might even have a piece ready for one of them. Thanks.

Cheryl said...

Very interesting--think Count Dracula voice here.

Thanks for the markets.


V.R. Leavitt said...

Dig it! I like the idea of 'dark weird fiction.' LOL